Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lawrence Stuart -

Do you have a business that would benefit from accepting credit card payments? The square card reader accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover on you IPad, IPhone or Android with a free card reader. The square card reader can be accessed at The opportunity provides you with a minimal transaction fees, allows customers to sign for purchases with their finger and deposits are made to your account the next business day after sale.

Customers can add a tip and receive an electronic receipt via text or email. As a business owner you can also review your sales history and resend receipts or issue refunds to your customers as need be.  


  1. Square will become the forefront to how many companies start doing business. The efficiency Square offers is incomparable. From the electronic signature, swiping cards on spot, and email or text receipts will always come in handy and cut out the paper process way of doing things. This app is one for the new age and will innovate the way many businesses do business.

  2. Nick Holland-I really like this technology. My friend has started his own food business and he uses this technology. I have seen and experienced 1st hand how useful this can be. Not only will this be very useful to small business owners, but this can also help the green movement by cutting back on paper receipts

  3. Square seems to differentiate itself from its competitors on how it markets and sell its service. It seems as if you can sign up directly through the homepage and get started. I'm looking forward to using this new technology.

  4. This is very innovative and new.I think everyone will start using this technology i feel it will speed up business and possibly innitiate revenue dependent on how this is used. Imagine if fast food resturants adopted this technology, would they adjust their preparation habits because they have a more efficient paying method it could also be an initiative for going green. This new method of payment could be a gold mind in the making.

  5. George Young- I think this is one of the best small business ideas that have been produced in a while. It gives those who are just now starting their businesses to begin in an efficient and organized manner, which will ultimately help in the growth of their company. I first experienced that capability of the square card reader through a friend. It was funny at the time, because I owed him money, but did not have any cash on me at that time. He pulled the square card reader out his pocket and said " I now take card, would you like a receipt?!". In addition to it being an ego booster, I can also say that it is very convenient.

  6. Smart phones are playing such intricate roles in business and society today. Debit cards seemingly replace cash, and now that people have the ability to make transactions without having to use their card at all will prove to be efficient for business.

  7. Making credit cards feasible to your smart phone is a revolutionary way of paying for goods and services in today's market. There is a student on Morehouse's Campus that just started his own food business. Being in college we don't really carry cash and usually rely on our debit cards to pay for our wants and needs. and I think that this way of technology will be essential for small and personal businesses to come.

  8. These days, other than business transactions done in the cloud, via mobile device is the new way to better reach one's targeted market. It allows for a more intimate customer service in addition to being timely and caters to those who carry cards- no cash. Very empowering to the small business owner, ridding himself of the limitations associated with accepting only one form of money.

  9. Clark Howard did a story on this recently and I found this to be interesting.

  10. This is a great device, the first time i seen it used i was skeptical about it. I didn't trust it because there is so much credit card fraud going on. I did my research on it and another card reader for the iphone and found that this is actually a safe product to use. In fact my barber actually uses this for his transactions, which makes it easier for me because I no longer have to pay the ATM fee to take out cash.

  11. I went to the barbershop on Peters St. and I asked him do he take debit cards. He said yea and pulled out his phone. I was thinking this fool is about to ask for my card number and text it to somebody. He put the device on it and slid my card. I was amazed. I need one.
