Monday, April 16, 2012

Jeffrey Lothian - Atlanta Home Delivery

Recently I went to breakfast with my brother and his friend and he was telling me the problems he was having with maintaining a car.  While I did agree with what he said, I realized that one of biggest negatives of not having a car was my inability to go grocery shopping.  He told me that while he was an undergrad he would have his groceries delivered to his apartment worry free.  After breakfast, this led me to try to find some type of grocery delivery company that was based in Atlanta.  After a little research I found the website  
I was a little skeptical at first because the website is not the sleekest looking so I figured that it might be a scam, but I found my results to be different. The website was similar to any type of online shopping that you do. You look through their categories and find the type of food you want and once you are ready to pay you have different delivery options.  The options range from 3 hour delivery to next day delivery with varying prices.  For the next day delivery you will have to pay an extra 13.00 to the price of your food, but for those of you who live on campus or do not have access to a car it is a great way to go grocery shopping in a timely manner. 


  1. i think this is a great post seeing that I have actually used this website. Unfortunately I lost my car in February and getting around, especially grocery shopping has been a struggle. This is a great,efficient website that help those with limited mobility. Another great website is

  2. Ive been using my girlfriends car at my leisure so I had'nt thought about this but this summer she is traveling out of state so ii will need a system. If a small fee is all it requires I can stay my lazy butt at home. Thanks for the tip.

  3. I was definitely unaware of this service and am pretty excited to hear about it due to the fact I had aspirations of providing something similar to this. Seems the niche is lucrative.
    Only problem I have is the fact that requesting for next day delivery cost more when it is less pressing on the company but i'm sure there's some logic behind it. Good Post.

  4. I think this is great not only for college students without a car, but for anyone who simply doesn't have time to go to the grocery store or who don't have a car.

  5. I agree, grocery shopping can be a serious burden at times. A service like this one would certainly prove to be invaluable. While I haven't utilized it myself, I can imagine that for those, like the elderly, it would prove a great asset.

  6. This is the exact reason that I don't go grocery shopping. lol. I had gotten familiar with a similar site months before this semester. This, laundry pickup services, and dropped tests are so clutch lol.

  7. This is a great service for college students, but I think it will be more useful for the elderly. Especially ones who live far from their family and have no type of transportation besides public transportation.

  8. I really think being in college and not having a car sometimes really hurts because the fact that you can not do everything you want to do. You have to rely on people and public transportation, and sometimes relying on people can hurt because things come out or you have to go on their schedule. Now where I live there is a shuttle and a small store, but have the opportunity to have groceries delivered to you makes life a lot easier. I looked at the website and what Jeff was saying about what the website was true. It did not look legit until I explored the site. It looks like it work pretty good and I will try to use it some time soon.

  9. I didn't know that there was a grocery delivery service in the area. I'm sure this will be very useful to me and everyone else who has read this post. Thank you for sharing this with us

  10. This is awesome. Because this area is truly a food desert until that new Walmart comes. I have the luxury of friends with cars, but that gets tiring after a while.

  11. This service actually works really well. I have used it a few times. They're pretty fast and it's pretty easy to use. I would suggest setting up the account and figuring out what you need from the store ahead of time and not an hour before or too last minute.

  12. whether you have a car or not this service is very useful. Helps eliminate one extra stop during one's busy schedule. Honestly the delivery is very affordable.

  13. This service is like others that i have heard of before. Usually this service was geared to the elderly who didn't have the means of going food shopping by themselves. But Jeffery shed a new light on it and makes a good argument. Though the website looks a little sketchy at first once you look further it gets better. I see how this could be beneficial to a college student with no car. The only problem I see is that you would need to set it up in advance for it to be economical.

  14. Wow this site is really cool used it this morning and it worked great.

  15. This is a very cool site and can be very useful for those who do not have transportation. Freshman year when I did not have a car I always used to have to find someone to take me to the grocery store. I wish i had this site back then it would have been very useful. The only question I have is why the next day delivery would be more expensive than the same day delivery, i thought it would be the other way around? None the less this site is very useful and I will definitely recommend it to some of my younger residents. -James Williams

  16. Wow. I can save gas money and time. Might try this around Thanksgiving or something.

  17. This is a great resource however, most of the groceries seem to be slightly over priced, which is understandable because the company needs to make a profit. My only concern is how or if the middle-lower social economic class would benefit from this service.

  18. This is useful information. For the undergraduate student who doesnt have a meal plan or doesnt enjoy the food served in the cafeteria, this another alternative to order grocery shopping in the comfort of his or her own home. The only downside to this the prices are high. and with the average college student's daliy struggle with money this could be a problem. Overall it is a nice resource to use if the funds are available.

  19. This is another one of a good informative post making us college students unaware of what's out there.
