Thursday, April 5, 2012

Google Glasses - WOW

If you thought the Google Car was interesting, Google is now showing off the future with Google glasses. The Google glasses will connect you to the internet and use voice recognition

Check out the video below.

Who said the future will not be fun.


  1. Wow this is crazy I thought Corning would be the first ones to make these over google. I guess google is gonna be the next technology monopoly.Interesting post

  2. Professor Sistrunk I would like to know your thoughts concerning the issue do you think this technology can be used to ease some the social problems we are facing such or is it merely another investment to ease the lives of those who can afford it?

    1. That's a good question. I believe there will always be social problems in the USA and the world because people have differing ideas, experiences and life issues.

      However, I can see these glasses helping by providing real-time video (outward facing camera). Imagine the Trayvon Martin case if he had these glasses and they were taking real-time video and putting it on youtube or

      If every young black man had these glasses, it would change how people react, because its on ustream.

  3. I had the pleasure of being exposed to this new innovation by Google yesterday and simply thought it would change the world to say the least. The concept if applicable would take away the thought of cell phones, lap tops, computers, and all other forms of a network. Is it possible that we all will be wearing these glasses in the next 3-5 years? I think so and with that said I feel as if apple might need to get to work. But there is only one thing i see wrong with the "Project Glass" and that would be distracting people while walking across streets, drivers driving cars, and creating more radiation to ones body. None the less i would like to see this project come to life and be secure enough to actually work.

  4. This is by far one of google's most innovative inventions yet. It is amazing how much technology has evolved in the last 20 years. We have gone from large cellular devices that only handled basic functions to phones that allow you to sync and manage most of your electronic devices. Some people are slow to adapt to the new technology but we must embrace change and find a way for this new found technology to create jobs for our people. The downfall to all of this new technology is that people are becoming less social. As a whole, man struggles with interpersonal relationships. We must find a healthy mix between using the available technology and direct communication with our fellow man.

  5. I had been really thinking a lot about technology today and how it is moving so fast. In the last 12 years technology has moved so fast and has changed so fast. I was thinking how technology can change fast in the next 20 years and the idea of putting something in your ear and it can connect with your brain something like those I just seen in this video it is amazing how things change so fast I wonder how thing will be when I have children as well as having grandchildren.

  6. Once again google has another game changer in its pocket. I like the connectivity of this device and how it links with all your social media account to send you notifications on the go. This is a stepping stone into the future. It seems very user friendly and will be easy for people to adapt to. However I do not like how this device has all your information, because google has to have all your info in order for this to work, and they can also sell your information to other companies

  7. This is interesting, I am anxious to see how things turn out. As we've seen in the past with new, innovative ideas, when mass produced, they don't necessarily turn out as good as the thought of that idea. I do believe that for the first few years there will be a lot of major technical difficulties due to the fact of how technologically advanced this product is. However, as times progress I also believe that Google will be able to build-up and strengthen the product to the point where it will be a stable, completely functional product.

  8. Google Glasses can single handedly change the way we as people communicate. The innovation and the high quality technology will blow its competitors out the water. imagine having everything directly in front of you without having to touch any buttons. Although i don't see this concept releasing anytime soon, the product IS the future of communication

  9. The future has arrived. It's crazy that this seems like a prototype video but they actually have the physically version as well. It will be interesting ti seem how they will patent it and market it to the world -Nate goulbourne

  10. I think google glasses will revolutionize eye-wear, do they come in prescription?

    On a more serious note, I think they, I feel as though many consumers will find viable uses for the product. Google continuously is finding ways to innovate technology, they have some great engineers.

  11. Google is the future. They are always coming up with something to make life that much easier. These glasses are the cutting age of technology. These glasses can do away with using the traditional car gps, texting while driving, heck even having to carry your laptop with you.

  12. Google is going to make so much money with this. I can just see it now. Dolce and Gabana, Gucci, and all the other companies are going to want in on this. Before long, rappers will be rocking the google glasses.

  13. This is crazy! Google is definitely attempting to move to the forefront of the advancements in technology. These glasses would be very convenient on the road and would produce a good amount of income. I'd definitely purchase a pair of these.
