Sunday, April 15, 2012

Christian Eddings - Advertising with Social Networks:

Advertising seems as though it is just a simple concept, but if not done properly, poor advertising could be the downfall of a business or product. Proper advertising should connect and speak to the consumers of your product directly. In the age of information advertising is becoming easier and more accessible through gateways such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.

These information gateways have paved the way for self-advertising and made things a lot easier for anyone trying to get the word out about services or products they have to offer. Facebook allows users to create their own page and personalize it by uploading pictures, updating statuses, and sharing different experiences through the ability to share pictures, news stories, and videos. When a company or business creates a page on Facebook that gives them the opportunity to connect with users/consumers of their product because it gives users of Facebook the opportunity to comment on products and their effectiveness much needed feedback and they will be able to see how many people like or are users of their products (through the like function of Facebook). 

Facebook makes advertising easy; when you click on the Create an Ad button on Facebook you are transfer to a page that allows you to personalize your Ad with much detail. They offer features such as picking the Location, Demographics, Interests, and allows you to decide whether you want to be notified when people are interested in your ads by the number of clicks or number of views. Twitter is beneficial for advertising because it permits advertisers to update statues consistently which keeps consumers updated on the latest products and news within the company. This is good because people like to feel as if they are involved in the business processes of a company that they favor and they can respond to Tweets posted by the company giving them the opportunity to express opinions. Although Youtube may not seem like a social network it is a just as much of a social network as Facebook and Twitter comprised of many musicians, dancers, company’s, DJ’s, etc… promoting themselves through the use of video. Youtube is also a useful advertising tool because if someone is popular on youtube they could get paid to advertise for other company’s based on the number of views they get.

            Mastering the art of self-promotion is very important because no one can promote for your company or your services better than you can. I know that it is very important to always be able to connect with your customers and people who have interests in your products that is why when I am looking to advertise for my own business I will start with the social networks such as facebook, twitter, and youtube.


  1. This is a strategy i plan to use in the near future. If facebook starts allowing advertisements on instagram i can post an ad with a catchy title and a pic of one of my best snakes that leads to my site. Seeing as i have thousands of networks and plenty of them are snake enthusiasts it could possibly be a great marketing tool

    1. They probably will allow advertising on facebook pretty soon, but I'm sure there are other strategies that can be implemented to use both facebook and instagram; like posting a promotional picture on instagram and having a link to your personal page that would give the viewers more info about your company

  2. Facebook is really taking over with their new acquisition of instagram. Instagram is just an extension of your facebook photos, it would only make sense for Facebook to absorb those pictures and add them to their database of everyones facebook profile. I think that the advertising will take on a new dimension with instagram because I think that Facebook will make instagram like twitter but with pictures; this is how they will stay relevant with twitter and other social media sites.

    1. Yeah that's true and Instagram is a cool idea I just don't like Facebook having access to all that information That's why i kind of watch out for what pictures I post now.

  3. The way we advertise and promote are changing to a inexpensive way because of the Internet . Now you can reach the world through a computer and blow up over night because of a viral video. - Nate goulbourne

  4. Advertising had certainly extended well beyond the previously sought highway sign and television commercial. Not only is social networking rampant as far as the number of users is concerned, but the ability to personalize ones experience with your advertisement through the use of these tools is priceless.

  5. This kind of goes with that advertising 3.0 session that google made, which will explain how the use of social media will evolve. The only drawback I see with social media sites as facebook is that you can get a whole lot of clutter or useless information on your page

  6. Placements everything! If your company is not known you wont have a company for long. The advertisement on social networking it probably the most lucrative if trying to appeal buyers between the age of 15-25. Whether you just want an event to be advertised or a general day to day business some social network has a page for that. Whether it is a mini commercial thats on YouTube or a Party invite on Facebook advertisement on social networks will be the most beneficial advertisement known to man in the next 3 years with everything computer wise will be able to be displayed on your tv as well.

  7. Social Networks are the best way to advertise for anything. Regardless on how annoying they might seem to the average user, you will ALWAYS SEE THEM. Aside from its purpose to actually advertise, online ads are also what keeps some social networking sites up and running. As long as social media sites have something relevant to bring to society, advertisements will ALWAYS be seen.

  8. Advertising is the most important when it comes to promoting and social networks just makes it easier and cheaper for companies to do just that.

  9. Advertising has changed from the big budgets dollars to low dollars but the same market. The Internet has made the access to consumers easier and therefor cheaper.-Nate goulbourne

  10. As today's social media begins to encompass more and more aspects of interactions between a wide variety of people, the more logical it seems to advertise via social media. One can easily access their target market efficiently by conveniently placed advertisement within the realm of enjoyment, interaction, and development of consumers.

  11. I've always been a firm believer that some marketing/advetising can be broken down to a very simple explanation. The more people you can touch, using the least amount of money, will be the most successful. facebook ads allow you to connect to a open system with over 9 billion users, that allows you to find and add anyone, expanding your target markets.

  12. Twitter and Facebook are two great examples of Advertising with social networking. Party promotion in the AUC is an excellent example of how effective it can be. We all know word of mouth is the best form of advertising. Once you satisfy one person they spread the word to a friend. Once the friend is satisfied, he/ she refers another friend and the chain continues. If you have a successful party, people go directly to Twitter to inform their friends of the party. The individuals who missed the event will be curious. Many will look for your next event to see if the last party was just hyped up or if you are a legitimate contender in the world of party promotion. Twitter is basically your form of validation. You can turn to twitter for feedback, requests, and anything else to improve the customer experience. The great thing about this for the company is that this can be a one man show. The use of social media and social networking can cut costs and increase customer satisfaction.

  13. Social media has allowed the consumer to finally be in charge. Now instead of hearing the same advertising for a mass market, we tend to see what will be interesting to us. This is because now with all the info we give advertisers they know exactly what we would like. Downside is they have all this information on us seems crazy know our interests our friends, our address, what food we eat. What's even crazier is that we willingly give that info to total strangers

  14. I believe this is one of the best and most innovative ideas as it pertains to advertising. As stated in a few of the posts above, it give the consumer a choice of being in charge. Not only does it benefit the consumer but it also has great benefit for the seller/producer. The fact that the social media market is continuously expanding allows for products/services to be seen a numerous amount of times by a vast amount of diverse types of people. Kuods to this idea.

  15. Facebook and twitter opened a even bigger door for advertising than ever before. Before companies had to use focus groups and surveys to try and figure out what a customer wanted but now consumers do it without even having to be asked or companies even having to pay. This cuts cost for companies and allows companies to market certain products to specific consumers.

  16. Its funny how your thoughts and visions for things change as you get older. When I first got a facebook I would never have thought to use it as a advertising tool, I just wanted to look at other people's pictures that they put up. The same has been for twitter and youtube as well. But now that im older I can see the advantages that social networks can bring when advertising and trying to get your idea out. I pay a lot more attention to the advertisements that were once just annoying adds that I would exit out of. -James Williams
