Monday, April 16, 2012

Courtland Walls - Square

Since technology today is becoming more advanced and people need things to be done quicker people have began to make things to accommodate these needs. One of these creations is an application for mobile and cellular devices that is called square. This application assists handling money of anyone and acts as a cahsier allowing any type of business to makes sells on the go by being able to charge a person’s credit card without the need of a register or stationary machine. It can also allow you to open a tab with a certain restaurant or maybe even retail store and allow you to buy good and pay them back later all at one time.

This app is very great and on a personal level this app comes very in handy because of the small business I have of my own. This allows me to make sells basically anywhere and at anytime and keeps track of the money that I’ve been earning. The only down part is that they deduct a small fee from any sells you makes that aren’t with cash. Sqaure is big on supporting small businesses and this article talks about that as well.


  1. It is a very good applications and definitely has its upsides, however security appears to be a possible problem. If this application becomes popular people may begin to hack others accounts. Other than that it is a very good program.

  2. Agreed with Daniel. As an avid user of Square, I have found that there are pros to this app. But I have an old, soul, I feel that there is no better transaction than either cash or check. So sometimes I don't feel as secure in these transactions that occur.

  3. I've seen and used this app before its very safe but I can see the reasons for concern of safety

  4. The device is pretty safe and provides one with the comfort to take their services on the go. Not only for small businesses but it works as a great way in collecting debt from fellow peers who may not have cash on hand but perhaps need a gesture from you.

  5. I think this app in the future will revolutionize shopping, in this media savvy society it always finding ways to shortcut the generic shopping habits of the past. To some that is a good thing, to others whom may no be as technologically inept as the younger generation may not think so.

  6. This app will be very essential to the future of online shopping. to some that is a good thing, to others whom may be no be as technology inept as the younger generation may not think so. The device is pretty safe and provides one with comfort to take their services on the go.

  7. Clark Howard did a report recently on how HVAC repairmen use square to process transactions on their smartphone. I see this becoming the standard for the maintence industry.

  8. I love the idea of being able to handle things from your mobile phone, however I have to agree with the above comments with the security of the product. I would much rather deal with cash and know exactly what I am dealing with. At the same time I am open to try the product before downing the idea. If it works out accordingly then it could be a great time saver.
