Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Andrew Frazier - Iphone Legal Issue - $15 Refund Possible

Since we are now living in the age of the iPhone I thought it would be important to share Apple's recent legal issue regarding the original iPhone 4. Nonetheless, I recently received an email that disclosed a class action suit for all original iPhone4 users as of February 17, 2012. Apple has decided to settle out (not admitting any wrongdoing) in providing a $15 refund to all carriers due to "misrepresentations" and antenna reception errors. Furthermore, they've made it easy to file and all you have to do is complete a claim form and submit it before August 28, 2012 in order to receive your cash settlement. Attached are the details of the settlement from the email blast as well as links to submit a claim.

P.S. Peep the disclosed case expenses & Attorney Fees $$$

If you are or were the original owner of an iPhone 4, 
you could be entitled to benefits under a class action 
The settlement will provide a $15 cash payment if you are a United States resident who is or was the original owner of an iPhone 4, experienced antenna or reception issues, and satisfy other requirements explained below. The United States District Court for the Northern District of California authorized this notice. The Court will have a hearing to consider whether to approve the settlement so that the benefits may be paid.
Who’s Affected?
You’re a “Class Member” if you are a United States resident who is or was the original owner of an iPhone 4 as of February 17, 2012.
What’s this About?
The lawsuit claimed that the iPhone 4’s signal quality attenuates when users handle the phone and that Apple engaged in misrepresentations regarding the phone. Apple denies all allegations and is entering into this settlement to avoid burdensome and costly litigation. The settlement is not an admission of wrongdoing.
What can you Get from the Settlement?
Apple will provide a $15 cash payment to Class Members who send in a valid claim form. The claim form will require you to declare that you: (a) experienced antenna or reception issues with your iPhone 4; (b) were unable to return your iPhone 4 without incurring any costs; (c) were unwilling to use a case or free bumper for your iPhone 4; and (d) completed certain troubleshooting steps or are unable to complete the troubleshooting steps because you no longer own your iPhone 4.
Since July 2010, Apple has offered a free bumper to iPhone 4 owners who have experienced antenna or reception issues. Class Members can continue to request a free bumper as described at 
How do you Get a Payment?
A detailed notice and claim form package contains everything you need. Just call 1-877-417-7234 or go to www.iPhone4settlement.com to get one.
Important Deadlines
To claim a cash payment, you must submit the claim form on or before August 28, 2012. If you do not claim a cash payment within this time period, you will lose your right to obtain this benefit.
What are your Options?
If you don’t want to make a claim and you don’t want to be legally bound by the settlement, you must postmark your request to exclude yourself by June 15, 2012, or you won’t be able to sue, or continue to sue, Apple about the claims in this case. If you exclude yourself, you will not be eligible to receive a payment from this settlement.
If you stay in the Class, you may object to the settlement. Objections must be received by June 15, 2012. The detailed notice describes how to exclude yourself or object. The Court will hold a hearing in this case (In re Apple iPhone 4 Products Liability Litigation, Case No.5:10-md-02188-RMW) on July 13, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. to consider whether to approve (1) the settlement and (2) attorneys’ fees and expenses of up to $5.9 million and stipends to Plaintiffs of up to $500 each. You may appear at the hearing, but you don’t have to. If you want to be represented by your own lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense. To obtain a full notice and claim form, go to www.iPhone4settlement.com or call toll free 1-877-417-7234. For more details, go to www.iPhone4settlement.com or write to
Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, Attn: Rick Nelson, Class Member Relations, 655 West
Broadway, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101.


  1. Wow this is excellent publicity stunt to save apples "brand" it is a well thought out apology though I must say.

  2. Apple is notorious for its marketing and the ability to preserve its good name amidst a number of issues it may actually be facing, so it's not real surprise. However, with apples major surplus of wealth, it appears that their settlement agreement might imply that they are in fact wrong by any legal standard, and therefore are choosing not pursue a legal battle for that reason.

  3. I find this case rather interesting due to the fact of it's secrecy. As seen on television recently, whenever there are class suits on company for whatever the reason, they have gone public. Take for instance the various birth control or get-skinny-fast pills; every night at around 11 or so there are these commercials making consumers aware that they may be entitled to compensation if the specified symptoms are incurring.
    But the giant technological force known as Apple inc. has succeeded in making their mistake go unnoticed to the public eye in some regards.

  4. The fact that I have ben yet to hear about this perplex's me. I know many people who have problems with there Iphone or any of their Apple products. But once again Apple with it's extraordinary marketing team has dwindled the facts down to non-existence to the Apple consumers.

  5. I believe this was a very smart move by apple considering all the bad publicity they were receiving when the iPhone 4 first came out. For example George Lopez on his TBS show Lopez tonight made a joke about how bad the phone was a dropping calls and keeping reception.
