Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Clifton Blair - Human and Computer

    Since the beginning of time humans have tried to make their daily lives easier by manufacturing technology that allows them to stay closer to loved ones and maintain a certain amount of efficiency in their daily life. But a question many people ask is if humans can live in a world full of technology without robbing themselves of the human experience. 

     Before we answer that question we need to take a look at the population who has a certain allegiance towards high tech hardware and why. Ranging from revolutionary products such as the blackberry to the iPhone these products have allowed people to save time and maintain a close to perfect routine for at least decade. Therefore, it's understandable that someone would be so obsessed with this valuable life tool.

    As humans we naturally we strive for perfection and we strive to produce products that are perfect. However, we know from Genesis that any creation is a direct reflection of its creator. Therefore, being that we are imperfect creatures our creations will not be perfect either.

   So to answer the question on if humans can take advantage of life experiences in a world where people glorify technology is that it is very possible. To make this possible we must maintain a certain balance between the real world and digital experiences. For example one could go to a concert or a coffee shop to meet people that have similar interest and later messaging them on Facebook to catch up on your experience. Once we start integrating technology with our real world experiences then we wont face that much of a problem.


  1. I think the issue between man and technology is that humans become complacent and lazy in using technology. Just the other day I was having a conversation where a friend of mine had someone tell her that they new her because they followed her on Twitter. That's crazy. I think there is a need for people to reestablish a need for human contact and not just cyber interaction.

  2. I feel like man will become its own destruction. If you look at the environment and our society it is naturally flawed. I fear for the day when we create artificial intelligence and think its perfection. - Nate goulbourne

  3. I agree with Clint. Complacency certainly becomes an issue as we gain the ability to make out lifestyles more and more comfortable because of technology. The sheer thought of having to carryout everyday tasks without the assistance of modern technological advancements is almost frightening.

  4. In reality, technology has further brought humans together; through sharing various aspects of life, similar interests/taste in the arts, or indulging in the same trending topics in real time- technology has helped connect parties that would have most likely no communication had advances in technology not been accomplished.
    It is the decision of the individual to limit the amount of integration technology with their lives, we should be cognizant of the idea that we can enjoy ourselves without technology in certain circumstance and be sure to remember that some things in fact have been improved through technology.

  5. I feel as though the more and more we integrate different technologies into our everyday habits the more and more we get away from the ways humans have always done things. And although it does make our lives more efficient, I feel as though our children will not grow up with the lessons, work ethic, and possibly values that our parents taught us becuase technology does not learn from experience.

  6. I agree with Ryan, in that the increase use of technology will steer society away from traditional activities that we take for granite.

  7. I believe that while technology does rob us of some communal aspects it also adds as well. With new inventions such as skype one can see and talk to a family member, or close person across the country. I believe that some people do take advantage of technology such as online dating in chat rooms, instead of just going out and meeting people. However, I believe that technology helps us eliminate a lot of time consuming tasks allowing us to focus on more important things. -James Williams

  8. I agree with Clint in the fact that technology cripples humans in a sense and promotes complacency. Although technology makes things like interactions with one another more convenient, I believe in the long run, it will potentially harm us because of the fact that we will rely upon it too much.
