Tuesday, April 10, 2012

By Malcolm Farrar - Google Places

  Today in Class Professor Sistrunk discussed with us Google Places.  Google Places is a blessing for those with/launching a small business.   The reason; Today more people search for businesses online than any other source, so it is extremely important to have your business listed.   Not only does Google Places allow you to list your business online, but also allows you to take a proactive approach in order to broaden your business and your consumer.   
            Google Places gives you all the tools you need to self promote your business.  First off Google Places allows your business to be in the game with its free local platform, and we all know that in order to win, you got to be on the field.  Google Places also allows you to dress up your business to whatever suites you or your target market, giving you the ability to add photos, videos, post live updates, and even respond to customer reviews to give that personal touch every business wants.

            What I found that was really interesting was the Google Adwords feature.  Google Adwords will promote your business for you! When someone searches a tag word or search your area for a certain service or goods your business will pop on their results, and will even be pinpointed on a map.  Unfortunately Google Adwords is not free, however you are able to determine your monthly budget, AND are only charged when someone actually clicks on your site.   To top that off this feature will tell you how many people clicked on your site so that you can make a decision on your budget… awesome.
Google Places to me is sheer Greatness.  Starting your own business is difficult and scary, Google Places just made your life a whole lot easier.


  1. Very essential for the small business owner in helping promote to areas that have no direct contact with the goods or services provided. The review is beneficial in adding credibility and goodwill to your company through direct customer feedback.
    Also, Google Adwords opens your services up to those who are looking for such a service with no certain preference on what company pops up; expanding one's company through new-customer experiences.

  2. This allows people to save so much money. I know a lot of business people who would save a lot on google places. They are stuck in the past. They have a store for no reason. They pay over $1000 a month for rent when that could be $12,000 a year kept in their pocket.
