Wednesday, May 2, 2012

James Williams - Jail Breaking the Iphone 4s

Many people are curious about the limitations that they have on their iphone 4s. With speculations on the new concepts for the iphone 5 and the addition of Siri, many people are excited about the new technology. Recently, I went through the process of jailbreaking my phone. For those of you who don’t know jailbreaking an iphone is removing the limitations apple has placed on the IOS operating system. Jailbreaking ones iphone enables one to get free apps through Cydia, the system that helps find jailbroken apps. One of the most reliable jailbroken apps is “tether me”, which allows you to get free wi-fi anywhere.

There are also practical applications such as Pokemon Yellow Version that is downloadable. 

I must warn you also of the harms of jailbreaking your phone. The first thing is that jailbreaking your phone automatically voids your warranty on the phone. However, if you were to go back to your i-tunes settings and select restore iphone, the system will restore. Another problem with jailbreaking the iphone is that sometimes depending on the apps your phone will freeze and have to restart. I have not figured out a way to avoid this but it takes only a few seconds to come back on. 

The last problem with jailbreaking your iphone 4s is that you cannot update your iphone with the new updates until the new jailbreaking app is updated or it will reset and you will not be able to jailbreak it again.

Despite the problems I believe that jailbreaking the iphone has more benefits than problems. If you do choose to jailbreak your phone here is the link below……..enjoy!


  1. I have had an iPhone for a long time, but I have never jailbroken it. I was always afraid of a problem arising that I wouldn't be able to fix due to the jailbreaking voiding the warranty. Has anyone had this problem? I was considering jailbreaking mine in the near future.

  2. I recently bought an unlocked iPhone 4S from Apple and thought about jailbreaking it, however, how would this benefit me? Other than being able to download a more extensive amount of applications, what are some other things that it can be used for? Do you know?

  3. I had my iphone jailbroken before and as cool as it was at the time, it just didn't work the same. Yes i could download basically anything i wanted and do what i wanted to it but once it began to freeze and malfunction I was no longer satisfied with the phone. I am not against jailbreaking the phones but to me its not really worth it.

  4. I always thought about jail breaking my iphone but I'm kind of scared because I do not want to mess it up and have to pay a lot of money to get it fixed. So maybe when I am rich or get a great job will be when I get that done. I know there are many more and free things. I want to and have been tempted but I am not going to do it just on what I have see happen when people get their jail broken phones

  5. Since I first had a apple phone I have always jailbroken it. It is really somethhing i feel like apple should have already done to the phone coming right out the box. I say this becuase we all want to customize and tweak our phones right? Its bad enough that everyone you turn to has a Iphone it gets real boring to me when they all have the same interface. I just like the vast different features that you get once you jailbreak the device. You can literally search the jailbroken app store for anything you could think of that a phone might be capable of doing and you will probably find out that the iphone does it.

  6. I have also experienced this procedure. I thought i was getting over until my phone started to freeze and downloading became slow. Although there is many pros to jail breaking the iphone the cons should weigh heavily on anyone who decides to do it.

  7. The pros and cons listed here are very helpful. I am actually considering jail breaking my iPhone4s but I really didn't know the all the possible outcomes of having it jailbroken.

  8. I've always wanted to jailbreak my iphone, but never known how. Now that I have this useful site, I intend to jailbreak my first and certainly not my last iphone. I know it sounds crazy to be excited about "jailbreaking" a phone. Even the term in itself sounds absurd and completely illegal. But don't we do illegal things everyday? Such as J-walking or trying a grape before buying the bag.. I guess our society has become comfortable with being thieves.

  9. I think I'm going to jailbreak my iPhone. I'm tired of the same old interface and boring apps. And if I don't like it I'll change it back

  10. the funny thing about this post is that I was actually selling my iphone4s and one of the questions that was constantly asked, was if it was possible for it to be jailbroken.

  11. I was aware of the Jailbreaking technique of the iphone and I heard this procedure could destroy the internal functioning of the iphone itself. Its usually up to the person if they decide to take that risk. I also hear really good things about jailbreaking and how it can benefit your iphone to do unlimited amount of things.

  12. I always wanted to jailbreak my phone but I was worried about the consequences involved in safety. THis post has made me see that any type of safety problems or warranty problems could be repaired by a simple restore.
