Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Clint Middleton Jr. - MIS-understood

In the beginning of the semester, I dreaded taking this course because of everything I had heard about it. I was already worried about the fact that I had waited until my senior year to take it. My fellow students who had already taken the class met my expectations for the class with complaints of how tedious the class was and how they hated taking it. Now that I have taken it, I can definitely say that Prof. Sistrunk has redefined Management Information Systems. Professor Sistrunk has not only shown us as a class how to use the systems, such as data tables, pivot tables, etc. that we will need in the business world, but he also shows us the different types of technology that can help us in everyday life. Thanks to MIS, I no longer go straight to Amazon and Ebay when shopping online. Instead, I try sites such as SlickDeals and Meritline.
    Prof, Sistrunk also went the extra mile to help us with things that extend beyond the reach of technology. Thanks to him, I was able to have a speeding ticket worth over $400 reduced to $150.
    MIS is no longer the dreadful class that no one wants to take. Professor Sistrunk has given it a makeover and now I would recommend the class to other students that aren't even in the Business Dept. There are few classes at Morehouse College that I can say that I will never forget, but MIS is definitely one of them. Finally, MISunderstood has become MIS.... Understood.


  1. I feel the same way because I heard horror stories about Prof. Craddock teaching this course, and it was a great surprise not to see him when I got into class the first day. The class was definitely worthwhile.

  2. I second this, Professor Sistrunk is a realist who teaches us not only about information systems but life as well. Prof. Sistrunk is a great mentor and is truly here to uplift us Men of Morehouse. The skills learned in classs will most definitly bring money our way.

  3. yup. I really lucked out by taking MIS this semester instead of in the fall. the things i learned i could actually use in life and the the workforce.

  4. True, True. I am already frugal with my money, but I wasn't necessarily smart with it. After taking this class I can save dollars at the grocery store by use of coupons, I can save on clothes/accessories, I can even get a "deal" on a speeding ticket. To truly understand this course, you must apply it to yourself.

  5. I feel the same way. This class has to be my favorite at Morehouse. I can actually apply the things taught soon as I leave the room compared to the typical course. Professor Sistrunk has definitely inlightened my innovation awareness.

  6. Prof. Sistrunk is definitely one of my favorite teachers. The way he integrates technology into the class is what makes the students and him work so well together. He realizes that the world is moving more and more towards the way the younger generation does things, most teachers try to fight this and teach the old fashioned way which is where many students and teachers have issues. Prof. Sistrunk has accepted this new technology wave and it has only made the class better, he should teach a class to teachers on how to make their classes like his.

  7. I too had a similar feeling when taking this course. After the first day with Professor Sistrunk my views changed for the better as he went on to explain cloud based computing which really intrigued me. Throughout the course I have learned a lot of new information in regards to doing excel worksheets and as well as new technologies that are due to immerge in society.

  8. All of my friend that had taken this course before had told me to delay taking this class for as long as possible, because of the tedious nature of the course. They all told me that the course was worthless and had no real value. I was pleasantly surprised by the coursework and how the class was taught. Professor Sistrunk gave us many new and different tools to use that can help give us an edge versus other people in job interviews and things of that nature. I really enjoyed the class.

  9. I most definitely agree with this. I thought this course was one, going to be an easy 'A' and two, going to be a class that I dreaded coming to but it wasn't. I believe students will get out of this course what they put in. There were so many different things that I learned in this class that I will be able to use in the future. One of the most interesting thing about this class is the fact that we never know where technology is going so it is amazing that we got to talk about the basics of technology as well as a few products and things we may be able to use in the future.

  10. I can certainly agree with this post. Coming into the class I was worried about performing well, because of my lack on computer skills. Prof Sistrunk made everything simple and easy. I learned a lot from taking this class and even increased my excel skills which was much needed. It was easy to be motivated for the class also because of the practical application. Many classes I sit in and say when am I ever going to need this in life, however I never felt that way in MIS. I hope to start becoming involved in real estate and can use some of the sites and tools I learned from class.

  11. This has been my most helpful class out of all the classes I have had this semester. I know the things I have learned in the this class will help me to excel (no pun intended) and thrive throughout all my business endeavors in my career. It has also broadened my horizon as far as using the internet as a money making tool instead of just a time consuming tool.

  12. I agree with this post. Professor Sistrunk took all "school" out of the class and was actually able to teach us through methods that we were more readily acceptable to.

  13. I think everyone can agree on the idea that everyone gave a preconceived notion that this course was going to be challenging and tedious. Its more like straight forward and hands on. Which makes the class more technical and interesting.

  14. As the course came closer to the end I definitely began to realize exactly what I was learning. This was a class about modernizing us as students and I definitely gained a great deal. Everything from easy ways to find deals to how to accomplish an excel project will play a part in my future.
