Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Timothy Camper-There is an easier way to organize your bank account.

        Professor Sistrunk always has some sort of trick up his sleeves that he is eager to present to his MIS class either it’s a proper and legal way of finding out information for any estate in the world, the cheapest site to find a iPhone case, or even the slickest way to talk your way out of a parking ticket.  His information might not be useful at that particular moment when your class but you may need it two weeks later and find yourself sending that text to your classmate asking, “what was that website Sistrunk was talking about in class last week?”           

            Mint.com has become the key to organizing my everyday monetary spending habits.  Since high school I have had a problem with spending over my limits, especially as a college student.  With Mint.com you are able to merge all of your bank accounts together on this one site and it gives you a breakdown of how much you have spent every week.  If you have a low balance Mint.com will let you know! Also, it helps you control your student loans and your credit cards.  There is no falling off with my bank accounts anymore because this website keeps me informed!


  1. I actually found this to be very helpful. I use this app daily. it helps keep track of my income, spending, and also keeps me up to date on credit maintenance. I have the app on my iPhone, iPad, and have it bookmarked on my MacBook.

  2. I actually blogged about this as well and I agree, I do find this website very useful. I talk about this website to others and encourage them to use it as well. I think the more expenses you have the better this website will work for you.

  3. This sounds very useful. I should check this out in order to keep my account in order.

  4. I liked this blog because I learn how to manage my bank account better. I used it know on a day to day basis to keep my financial records up to par. I introduced it to my mother an she loves using mint.com now.

  5. I liked this blog also because I signed up for mint during class that day, and ever since I been getting my updates on my accounts and it's making me realize how I really spend my money which may not be the best. But at least I have a better way of tracking it now.

  6. Mint.com has definitely helped me manage my funds as well as spending habits better. Glad this was posted!!

  7. I have had a problem saving money since i can remember. This website/app, really helps with my spending and helps me keep an eye on the accounts and balances i have with each of my banking accounts.

  8. Mint also will tell you where and how much you are spending your money. So you can see by percentages where you are blowing all your money on and where you shou be cutting back. I was going out to eat entirely to much

  9. Mint is a useful app. I shows you where your money is exactly going and also gives you tips on ways to cut down on your spending. When you first sign up and it gives you a break down it can be scary to actually see where your money is going but once you start using it and better managing your money it becomes increasingly beneficial
