Sunday, January 29, 2012

For the week of Monday January 30, 2012, there are two Excel Tutorials to review and a homework assignment (#2) due Sunday Feb. 5, 2012 by midnight. Email your assignment to (

Below are the two videos and the homework assignment. You should not wait until the last minute. I can track your doownloads and ofcourse when you email me the assignments. Turning them in early may help you get a boost in your overall course grade, if needed.

Tutorial #3

Tutorial #4

 Homework #2 - Download the .csv file
  1. Calculate the total revenue per store
  2. Calculate the gross revenue for all store together
  3. Based on your calculations, tell me something about the stores

1 comment:

  1. This assignment wasn't very difficult at all. Is this how they evaluate store performances, especially when downsizing their businesses?
