Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Chris Bealsey

Professor Sistrunk, starts off class with a Google video that completely captivated me. It was a showcasing live action demo of Google's new Glasses. It allows you to view life totally different than before. You are able to stay connected to your social surroundings at all times. The best part about it is that the new technology is displayed over the glasses allowing one to seamlessly continue day to day actives while utilizing this new innovation.   


 Google is smart to whip this technology out because of one thing advertisement money. Google has recently started a new privacy agreement where it captures your personal data whether it be on the websites you visit via Google Chrome or by YouTube. From this data they gather information and advertise specific items to you the consumer based on the things you are looking at. Presently when you go to search anything in a Google search bar you are given a list of results. The way Google and advertisers make money is by having their sites on that first page of the site once you enter in a search. Google uses different services such as AdSense, AdWords, and Analytics to give both Google and the advertisers statistical information based on their advertisements.

When advertising it is best to be on the first page, but it is also okay to have your advertisement on subsequent pages. Obviously the first page is the best page because all are going to run across the first page that they get their search returns on. Professor showed us the sites he uses to advertise to his customers.

Using the website  http://www.formsite.com/  it allows one to send out a mass email blast to everyone that clicks on a certain link to receive an email for an example an appraisal form. The website lists peoples emails that have depending on how you have your site set up, allows you to see who has visited your site, who has clicked something and etc. Using websites such as Google Analytics it will show you a detailed account of if someone has visited  your site and might have clicked on something. Then with that information you can look at form site to see more specially who has visited by viewing their email addresses. From that you can get a better idea of who clicked on what and from there be able to contact them.

By the closing of class I was informed on many different online avenues one might take in order to track and keep up with statistical information in regards to the advertisement of something that pertains to my company.


  1. When I saw this, I just thought how crazy technology is moving so fast. I was thinking about how you may be able to put a chip or ear piece in your ear and you can do anything just like those glasses. When this happens I will be to amazed at how the world is trying to move very fast. In the last 100 years technology has evolved so much. I like this video and hope that I can really experience these glasses soon to come

  2. I love this technology. Imagine me walking past a bar with these glasses on and it alerts me "free drinks" or something. I can just imagine how much these are going to cost when they come out though.

  3. while this is an awesome idea, I do not think that it will catch on quickly, for the simple fact that it is not fashionable. Having all that ability hands free in your glasses is awesome but it will never be mainstream if it makes people look stupid. I think that google is making ground breaking steps in the right direction but they need to partner with a designer frame maker in order for the product to become mainstream.

  4. Though I feel like this is an awesome idea, I do not believe that it will be as big of a catchy tread as it is anticipated to be. As I have stated before, it is safe to assume that there will be many glitches before it will become a fully functioning product. However, I also believe that is a great idea. It is something that is innovative and different. Personally it is not a product that I will purchase but who knows, over time, it may be something that I will come to want.

  5. This is def one of the coolest things I have seen. Everything u ever need on a pair of glasses wow. Could you imagine if they were able to put this technology in a pair of contacts! Of course with anything there will be glitches, but when it is all said and done we will all be walking around with google shades l

  6. I wonder how these would actually work. I don't know the extent of the capabilities of our current technology, but it seems almost ludicrous that we should be able to control the equivalent of a computer all with our eyes. This just goes to show that technology is always moving, and so we have to keep up, or be left behind. That's what this class is all about.

  7. I love this post and I do believe that something like this will eventually excite but I don’t believe that it will be in the form of glasses it might be contacts in the eyes and some form of ear piece and I am almost certain that by the time we have this tech the streets of New York will not look like it does in the video.

  8. Wow these glasses will change the world as we know it. That seem like something from the movie back to the future. Technology has come a long way in the cloud era.I can only imagine whats next.

  9. This technology is amazing however one could make the arrguement that this is similar to what Nokia is doing.. watch http://youtu.be/L3wdG-wYN3s

  10. I think this idea that Google came up with can change the future of technology. I also think that its going to be expensive for this to be accessible to everyone and that might be a challenge. It seems very useful though. I can the trend of things being "handsfree" is going to take off in the next 10-20 years.

  11. Google is one of the companies I definitely see having a major facet in our future. They have so many progressive ideas from this to the car that drives itself that makes you realize how much closer we are to the "future" than we thought.
